Thursday 6 December 2012


Go Figure! I was reading the paparazzi section of the ENews on my computer and I was warmed by an article about JLo (yes, Jennifer Lopez) and how she recovered from her ‘devastating divorce’ to Mark Anthony.
JLo, (to my surprise) said that "I didn't want to be the woman who stayed in bed for months ...I knew I had to get through it. I had to figure out [why] I was accepting situations that weren't good for me," she explains. "I had to turn [the situation] into something better.”
So, she focused most of her energy on taking care of her 4-year-old twins and everything else into her career. She danced every day, worked out as often as she could, and even read inspirational affirmations about how to 'heal her life.' Little by little, she says she started to feel stronger, happier.

I know everyone goes through awful periods in their lives.   Sometimes it is really hard to drag yourself out of the mire of sadness, self recrimination and self pity and back into the land of the normal (whatever normal is for you).  I have been through this several times in my life and I know other people have been through this too.  

It is not wrong to mourn or grieve but it is worrying to stay in that frame of mind over a long period of time; because you are not doing yourself or the people around you any favours.

What can you do .... take the tough approach...
- Exercise (outside if possible), Walk, jog, yoga on the beach – anything to get moving and get the endorphins through you
- Read, but only about good stuff ... books about self affirmation or happy strong people.
- Turn off the TV.  There is only junk or bad news on it.  Re-watch movies that you know will leave you with a happy vibe.
- Bake yummy stuff, and give the results to others. 
- Clean out your cupboards/shed/wardrobe ... anything to be busy and useful.  Donate what you don’t want.
- Create ... anything ... paint; write a song, plant a garden bed, whatever. Put your heart and soul into it to make it wonderful.
- Don’t exclude those around you; they want to make you feel better because they love you.

It can be a long process back to normal-ness.  There will be many backward steps. You will often feel like it never will happen.  But it will.  Trust me, it will. 

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