Thursday 20 December 2012

I DON'T WATCH TV (?????)

I have just been told that I am the weirdest person in the world ... admittedly by a teenager. 

What is weird about me?   I don't watch television or read papers or magazines (unless you count 5 year old 'Home Beautiful's).

Yes, I do have a TV (two in fact ... not my choice).  I do watch DVD's.  I also go to the movies.  I read books, listen to music and do ..... things.

I just don't want to watch what is presented as entertainment or as 'need to know information'. And ads!  Don't get me started! 

If there is anything important that happens in the world; I hear about it from the people I talk to, and then Google to find out more; if I want to.   And that is that.

There is a reason.  It is all about choice. 

I used to watch TV. Some regular programs were on my 'must see' list. But I lost interest.  It became irrelevant to me. 

Too many programs revolved around bitchy-ness, violence, 'reality voyeurism' or sad events. (Ratings might have something to do with it!) 

The News was often bad, sensational or, in some cases, fabricated (rarely on the News do you hear of good things that happen - unless it is a fireman saving a kitten or similar but hardly world shattering).

And yes, I know there are wonderful documentaries ... but I can't sit still to watch them, I want to go there instead.  

It is the same with newspapers.  There can be the unexpected positive story, but again, most articles are  bitchy, violent, sad etc .....   I really don't have the desire to know of this any more. 

It is my choice to limit the input of 'entertainment' and 'information' I receive; I wanted to choose what I wanted to know.  

Maybe I am weird, but it is my choice and I don't regret it.

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